The Importance of File Formats

Managing file formats is an important topic to consider in digital preservation. In a broader context, one needs to study the application and implications of digital file formats. A full listing of recommended formats from the Library of Congress is available online. The Library of Congress’s recommended formats are based on seven sustainability factors. These include:

  • Disclosure – specifications and tools for validating the integrity and accessibility of the format exist. You can now find out how information is encoded as bits or bytes.
  • Adoption – the format is widely used. If everyone is using it, tools will be available for migration and emulation.
  • Transparency – It’s easy to analyze the format using basic tools, such as human readability. Information is not encrypted or compressed.
  • Self-Documentation – the format allows you to add metadata directly to the record. You don’t have to have a program or a database to find out what the record is.
  • External Dependencies – How much hardware or software do you need to access the format? The less specialized hardware or software you need, the better.
  • Impact of Patents – Patents could make it harder to open or migrate formats. Less of a worry with formats that are widely adopted.
  • Technical Protection Mechanisms – Formats should not be tied to a particular vendor or program. The format should be accessible regardless of the system to which it was originally uploaded.

The main content types of file formats are images, video, audio, and text. ISO compliant formats for these types of materials include:

  • PDF/A
    • Plain Text
    • XML
    • TIFF
    • JPEG2000

If you have several different file formats and versions of those formats (numerous different versions of PDF, Word, and Image formats), your digital preservation strategy should alleviate the effects of obsolescence and propagation. Strategies include file migration, emulation, normalization, and developing an institutional policy of only using certain file formats.

The Email Management Training Series

Do you want to learn about best practices and information on managing emails? The Email Management Training Series is a great tool.

The Ohio Electronic Records Committee provides several virtual training modules on effective strategies for managing electronic records, including our interactive online Email Management Training Series. The training series includes four parts to allow you to focus your training to best fit your needs. The four sections of the training are Email As A Record, Email Clean-up Strategies, Email Filing and Organization, and Microsoft 365 Outlook Email Management. This training was made possible due to grant funding provided by the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Thank you to these organizations for their continued support of the Ohio ERC!
The Email Management Series online training is for use by state and local government officials and employees. The training will take approximately one hour. A Certificate of Completion will be provided for this training series at the end of Part Four.
• Part One: Email As A Record-
• Part Two: Email Clean-up Strategies-
• Part Three: Email Filing and Organization-
• Part Four: Microsoft 365 Outlook Email Management-

2023 NAGARA Conference – Cincinnati, Ohio

Looking to get some additional in-depth information regarding electronic records? This year’s National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators Annual Conference will feature several pre-conference digital records workshops and conference presentations. Several Ohio Electronic Records Committee members will be presenting.

Individuals can attend pre-conference workshops and do not have to attend the NAGARA conference.

For a full listing of Pre-Conference Workshops –

Pre-Conference Workshops that Ohio ERC members will be presenting:

DATE: Tuesday, July 18, 2023, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Disaster Preparedness & Response for Record-Keepers

PRESENTERS: Nick Crossley, Becca Halbmaier, Daria Labinsky, Pari Swift (Ohio ERC Member)

PRICE: $150.00

OVERVIEW: “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes” is a popular saying in Ohio. But don’t wait until disaster strikes to come up with a recovery plan! It is vital that governments be prepared for small-scale to large-scale disasters of various types (man-made, natural, internal, external, etc.) that could affect records. In fact, some records are essential (or vital) to the recovery efforts themselves and the resumption of business. This full-day interactive workshop will be conducted by persons with a passion for disaster recovery planning and experience in government and emergency management.

DATE: Tuesday, July 18, 2023, from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Introduction to Digital Imaging & Digital Preservation Requirements

PRESENTERS: Jahzerah Brooks, Nathan Owens (Ohio ERC Member), Tina Ratcliff (Ohio ERC Member), John Runion (Ohio ERC Member)

PRICE: $75.00

OVERVIEW: Access to government records and archival collections has always been important, but is now even more imperative in today’s “remote work” setting. Digital imaging of hard-copy records may be the solution to increase availability and transparency, but once a record is scanned, records programs and archives will then have digital preservation requirements and other regulations to meet. Join the Ohio Electronic Records Committee in this introductory workshop covering the journey of a “paper” record becoming a digital image and the considerations we must have for assuring digital preservation.

There are several electronic records presentations throughout the conference. Please check out the list of presentations that will be given from Wednesday, July 18th thru Friday, July 20th.

We hope to see many of you in Cincinnati this year!

Elise Kelly
Ohio ERC Member