
Effective: August 28, 2013 – Present
(PDF version)

Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be the “Ohio Electronic Records Committee” (hereafter “OhioERC”).

Article II – Purpose

The Ohio Electronic Records Committee identifies best practices and develops resources concerning the creation, maintenance, long-term preservation, and access to the electronic records of Ohio’s public entities. The Committee advocates for implementation of, and educates its constituencies regarding, these best practices.

Article III – Membership

Section A. Size of the Committee

The OhioERC shall consist of no more than 30 members. Up to two members may be representatives of a professional organization representing government officials or entities.

Section B. Requesting Membership

Any individual representing a public entity or a professional organization representing government officials or entities may request membership by petition/application to the OhioERC Membership Committee.

Section C. Term of Appointment

Members may continue to serve on the OhioERC for as long as the member maintains employment with a public entity. Members who are separated from service may continue to serve on the OhioERC if they are seeking public employment.

Section D. Membership Expectations

Members are expected to contribute to the OhioERC through regular attendance in meetings, as well as participating in committee work, OhioERC sponsored events, and special projects assigned by the Executive Committee. Each member shall serve on at least one subcommittee at any given time.

Section E. Termination of Membership

Membership shall be terminated, with approval of the Executive Committee, under the following conditions:

  1. In accordance with Article IV, Section B (2) when a member fails to attend two (2) meetings within a year (12 months) using methods permitted under Article IV, Section A (2) as reported by the Secretary.
  2. Failure to adequately meet other membership participation expectations as noted in Article III, Section D.
  3. Just cause.
  4. Separation from public service coupled with employment in the private sector.

Article IV – Membership Voting and Meetings

Section A. Voting

  1. Quorum: The presence of half the voting members shall constitute a quorum. In the event the Chair deems it impractical to accomplish the work of OhioERC and if, in the absence of the stated quorum no business can be transacted, the Chair may declare a quorum.
  2. Voting:
a) Members shall be entitled to one vote on any issue before the OhioERC.
b) Where a quorum is present or has been declared, the members may take action by affirmative vote of a majority of all members present. A member may cast a vote as follows:
:i. In-person attendance at the meeting
:ii. In-person attendance via conference call
:iii. Online when appropriate (At the discretion of the OhioERC Chair, a vote can be conducted electronically).

Section B. Meetings

  1. Frequency: Meetings of the OhioERC shall be held at least four times a year as determined by the Chair. They shall be held at the Ohio Historical Society unless otherwise stated in the meeting announcement. The public is welcomed to attend, but an RSVP is required. Meeting agendas will allow for public comment, as time permits.
  2. Attendance: Members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings, in order to provide consistency and efficient conduct of business, and to facilitate broad representation of our constituents.

Article V – Officers

Section A. Officers

The officers of the OhioERC shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair and Secretary. Each officer shall take office at the first meeting after the officer is elected and shall serve for a term of two years.

Section B. Candidacy:

One month prior to the elections, members shall indicate interest in serving by self-nomination.

Section C. Duties & Succession

The officers shall perform those duties customarily assigned to the offices held.

  1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at the meetings of the OhioERC and shall otherwise be responsible for the conduct of the business of the organization. The Chair shall automatically move to the Immediate Past Chair position upon expiration of the Immediate Past Chair’s turn.
  2. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall serve as Chair of the Membership Committee, assist the Chair as may be requested and serve as the Chair in their absence. The Vice Chair shall automatically move to the Chair position upon expiration of the Chair’s term.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Committee and distributing them to all current members at least a week prior to the next meeting. They shall distribute to the membership a list of action items resulting from each meeting within one week of the meeting. They shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; maintain a list of members; and perform other duties incidental to the office of secretary. The secretary may run for re-election.
  4. Immediate Past Chair: The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as an officer assisting the Chair and other officers.

Section D. Removal

Motions requesting the removal of an officer for not performing the duties of the office may only be discussed at a scheduled meeting. The proposed action shall be included on the pre-meeting announcement agenda. Such action requires approval of two-thirds of the membership present at the meeting.

Section E. Resignation

In the event of the resignation of an officer, the Chair may schedule an election to select a replacement. The remaining officers on the Executive Committee may select a replacement until elections to fill the position are held.

Article VI – Committees

Section A. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the OhioERC and the State Archivist. The Executive Committee develops agendas, maintains communication with members, approves recommendations of membership, and determines whether to terminate membership.

Section B. Membership Committee

The role of the Membership Committee is to review applications for membership to the OhioERC, and to generate interest in membership. The OhioERC Membership Committee will be comprised of no less than 3 and no more than 5 voting members. There will be at least one member from each of the following constituencies: state agency, local government, and non-governmental entity. Members of the Membership Committee shall rotate on an annual basis.

Section C. Ad hoc Subcommittees

  1. At any meeting of the OhioERC, the members may address tasks, take action on issues or assign deliverables by the creation of an OhioERC subcommittee. OhioERC standing subcommittees shall be created to address committee needs for performing a specific on-going function (i.e. communications) or ad hoc subcommittees shall be created to carry out a specific task of limited duration (i.e. creation of bylaws). Individuals may participate in multiple subcommittees. An OhioERC member must chair each subcommittee. Non-OhioERC members may serve on subcommittees as needed. All recommendations, opinions, research and deliverables of the OhioERC subcommittees will be brought before the OhioERC for review, adoption and approval for action.
  2. The Committee Chair shall be elected by members of the OhioERC or appointed by the OhioERC Chair.
  3. The Chair of the OhioERC shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees. At the Chair’s discretion, the Immediate Past Chair or Vice Chair may be asked by the Chair to serve in this capacity.
  4. Meetings of each subcommittee may be called by its Chair or by the OhioERC Chair. Subcommittees shall connect as often as is necessary to conduct business.
  5. All subcommittees of the OhioERC shall generate reports to be submitted at the OhioERC meeting summarizing the actions taken at subcommittee meetings.
  6. Subcommittees shall perform their work in compliance with the OhioERC Administrative Procedures.

Article VII – Amendments

These Bylaws shall be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the OhioERC members present and voting at any duly called meeting or special meeting of the OhioERC called for that purpose. Each proposed amendment shall be made available prior to the meeting at which it is presented and voted upon. Each proposed amendment shall specify the date it is to become effective.

The Bylaws are hereby adopted by affirmative vote this 28th day of August 2013.

Superseded Bylaws

Effective: January 25, 2012 – August 28, 2013 (PDF)
Bylaws Subcommittee Minutes October 11, 2011 (PDF)
Effective: December 6, 2004 – January 25, 2012 (PDF)