New Email Management Series Training Series Module

The Ohio Electronic Records Committee is excited to announce a new virtual, interactive Email Management Training Series. The training series will provide information and best practices on managing email. The four sections of the training are Email As A Record, Email Clean-up Strategies, Email Filing and Organization, and Microsoft 365 Outlook Email Management. This training was made possible due to grant funding provided by the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Thank you to these organizations for their continued support of the Ohio ERC!

The Email Management Series online training is for use by state and local government officials and employees. The training will take approximately one hour. A Certificate of Completion will be provided for this training series at the end of Part Four.

Access the training modules for free at the links below:

OHRAB Professional Development Scholarship Opportunity

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is offering professional development scholarships, funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).  The scholarship aims to support continuing education for graduate students and individuals working or volunteering in a qualified position who care for the historic record. The Board will award scholarships to assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio. For additional information and the application form, please visit

Records Management Implications of Teleworking

Teleworking has been rapidly increasing in popularity, especially in the wake of the current pandemic. As employees continue to work from home or return to the workplace following an extended telework arrangement, it’s important for public entities to remind employees about their ongoing obligations to exercise proper records management practices.

Ohio ERC has compiled the following resources that outline some of the potential records management considerations that can accompany teleworking arrangements: