Records Management Implications of Teleworking

Teleworking has been rapidly increasing in popularity, especially in the wake of the current pandemic. As employees continue to work from home or return to the workplace following an extended telework arrangement, it’s important for public entities to remind employees about their ongoing obligations to exercise proper records management practices.

Ohio ERC has compiled the following resources that outline some of the potential records management considerations that can accompany teleworking arrangements:

Online Conference Platform Records Tip Sheet

The Ohio Electronic Records Committee has pushed a new tip sheet on Online Conference Platform Records. The tip sheet defines online conference platforms, and discusses records retention concerns with conferencing platforms. It reviews the different types of records that can be produced through online conference platforms and how to approach records retention of conferencing platform records. Check it out here : Online Conference Platform Records Tip Sheet

New Blockchain Tip Sheet Published

Check out the newest Blockchain Tip Sheet published in the Blockchain Technology Guidelines on the Ohio ERC site.  Blockchain Project Conversation Starters is the third tip sheet on Blockchain and serves as a guide to help records managers and archivists surface key recordkeeping and preservation issues when their organization is embarking upon blockchain projects. The document provides an overview of blockchain, general terminology, the life-cycle of records on a blockchain, among other concepts.