Workshop: Your Seat at the Purchasing Table: A Records Management Point of View

Are you considering purchasing a records management system? Do you have questions about the procurement process from a records management perspective? If so, the Ohio Electronic Records Committee ( in collaboration with OHRAB and funding by the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC) encourages you to consider attending a FREE half-day seminar this fall. Seminar Flyer

October 28, 2015  @ State Library of Ohio 274 E. First Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201

AM Session: 8:30-11:45 a.m.

PM Session: 12:00-3:15 p.m.                                              

Cost: FREE!

Registration is required for this event @:

8:30 Registration 12:00
9:00 Records considerations during procurement
This session will provide an overview of the procurement process, including how to ensure recordkeeping concerns are dealt with during the process.Daniel Noonan, e-Records/Digital Resources Archivist, The Ohio State University
10:00 Break 1:30
10:15 Case study: Ohio Attorney General’s (OAG) Office
Over the past four years, OAG has been implementing a document and records management system to bring order, collaboration and compliance to the office’s records.  This session will focus on lessons learned from drafting the RFP, scoring proposals, interviewing vendors, the multi-year design and implementation process, and the interaction between information technology, vendors, records management, legal, and the business units.Pari Swift, Senior Records Manager and Nathan Owens, Records Analyst, Ohio Attorney General’s Office
11:45 Adjourn 3:15