Charge: Propose a set of bylaws for the ERC. The goal of the Electronic Records Committee (ERC) is to draft policy and guidelines for the creation, maintenance, long term preservation of and access to electronic records created by Ohio’s state government. The bylaws are intended to provide some organizational structure for the ERC, but not restrict the relatively fluid nature of the committee.
Mary Beth Parisi—Chair: Manager, Technology Policy & Planning, Judicial and Court Services, The Supreme Court of Ohio
Laurie Gemmill, State Archivist, Ohio Historical Society
Professor Raimund Goerler, University Archivist, The Ohio State University
Andrea D. Lentz, Chief, Bureau of Business Services, Department of Job and Family Services
Karen Sorrell, Bureau of Records Management, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Pari Swift, Assistant State Archivist, Ohio Historical Society
Carol Thomas, CRM, Records Manager, The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority