Agenda April 15, 2015 Meeting

  1. Approval of Minutes [Bradshaw]
  2. Membership Committee Report [Shulman]
    1. Feedback on reporting tool
  3. Spring Seminar [Fred/Darren/Nathan]
    1. OHRAB Grant Application update
    2. Programming committee
      1. Dates/Location
      2. Speakers/Program
  4. Subcommittee Reports and Action Items
    1. Total Cost of Ownership [Owens]
    2. Electronic Records Management
  5. State Archives Update
  6. Google Analytics update [Carney]
  7. Legislation update [if there are any]
  8. Other new business from the floor/Sub-committee work time

Agenda January 14, 2015 Meeting

  1. Approval of Minutes [Bradshaw]
  2. Membership Committee Report [Shulman]
    1. New Members
    2. Results of time survey
  3. Executive Board Elections [Swift]
    1. Vice Chair (Chair Elect)
    2. Secretary
  4. Spring Seminar [Fred/Pari/Darren]
    1. OHRAB Grant Application update
    2. Programming committee
      1. Dates/Location
      2. Refine topic
  5. Subcommittee Reports and Action Items
    1. RFP Tip Sheet and tool [Tansey/Noonan]
    2. Total Cost of Ownership [Owens]
    3. Electronic Records Management
      1. Update on reorganization project [Shulman/Swift]
  6. State Archives Update
  7. Update on HR 1233 [Swift]
    1. Monitor legislation volunteer
  8. Other new business from the floor/Sub-committee work time