New webinar recordings added

Announcing that for those who were unable to participate in our recent webinars, we have just posted free video recordings of our Electronic Records Day event, “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”, as well as our 2022 fall symposium, “Shifting to a Remote Workplace: Records Management Best Practices and Lessons Learned While Working from Home. Please see below for descriptions and links to the presentations. They also may be found on the Trainings/Events page of the OhioERC site.

2022 Fall Webinar: Shifting to a Remote Workplace: Records Management Best Practices and Lessons Learned While Working from Home

Records management and educating your offices about record retention requirements is more important than ever when considering the management of organizational records in a remote work setting. Learn about records management program implications and lessons learned while working from home for some ideas to carry forward to better support a remote work environment for public agencies. Topics include perspectives from several public work environments and includes discussion on the management of records on online conferencing platforms that need to be managed.

OhioERC Sponsored Presentation for Electronic Records Day

On October 10, 2022, the Ohio Electronic Records Committee partnered with Miami University, the Greene County Records Center and Archives, and Preservica to host a free webinar to commemorate Electronic Records Day.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Government information ecosystems are complex and dynamic while recordkeeping obligations are long-standing and robust. Public sector institutions at all levels increasingly rely on electronically stored information created in dozens of applications and managed in hundreds of file formats to deliver services and provide access to government records. But digital information is more fragile than its analog counterparts and subject to ever changing technology environments. This reality can put the authenticity and usability of long-term (10+ year retention) and permanent electronic records at risk.

This presentation will compare and contrast document management systems and digital preservation systems. The major workflows used to future-proof permanent and long-term electronic records and their essential metadata will be described. A Records and Archives Management case study from Greene County will be shared to bring to light essential differences between document management and preservation systems.

OHRAB Professional Development Scholarship Opportunity

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) is offering professional development scholarships, funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).  The scholarship aims to support continuing education for graduate students and individuals working or volunteering in a qualified position who care for the historic record. The Board will award scholarships to assist individuals in attending a professional development opportunity of their choosing. Applicants must be individuals who are full-time (minimum of 9 credits) graduate students currently enrolled in an Ohio institution of higher education; individuals working or volunteering in an Ohio library, archive, special collection, or government repository; individuals who serve as a state, county, municipal, or township official or their designee whose main responsibilities is to maintain public records; and those who work or volunteer in other roles caring for or providing access to records within the State of Ohio. For additional information and the application form, please visit